Disclaimer: information provided is based on our observations and opinions, not as fact. Any information presented SHOULD NOT be taken as advice in any form or manner.


Physicians are medical professionals that practice medicine. They specialize in promoting and maintaining health as well as diagnosis and treatment.  The field of medicine is vast and grows more complex the more we discover and understand. Medicine is a diverse and versatile field.  Because of this, some choose depth in a specialty while others choose breadth in primary care. Many work in hospitals or start their own private practice. Others may turn to teaching, research and academia or consulting.

The process of applying to medical school can be confusing and arduous. We have gathered all the information in one place.  You can find the steps broken down mirroring what we did and/or what we wished we did.  This was OUR journey applying to allopathic (MD) medical schools.


Before Applying






Accepted, Waitlisted, Rejected

Focus Hand.jpg

Road Ahead