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The pre-lab is completed before performing the experiment and will be turned in at the beginning of lab. It uses the same template for every experiment and can be found on BB. For more information, see Pre-Lab Report Template page.

Below you will find the the pre-lab broken down into sections for Experiment 9 - Light From Atoms. Remember, the lab may change or be modified from semester to semester. This material is only meant to be a guide!

Chem 111x Template Front - Copy.JPG
Chem 111x Template Reagents - Copy.JPG


pre-lab guide

name, Exp#, & Title

These sections of the pre-lab or self-explanatory, but you are awarded points for completing them. Just remember to put the correct experiment number and title when filling out these sections.


Brief Description of Tasks

This is where you summarize the purpose and tasks performed in the lab from your lab manual (link). This should be about a paragraph long. It may be helpful to first describe the purpose of the experiment or why you are doing this experiment. This can be followed by one or two sentences on how you will be doing it. The paragraph given is an EXAMPLE.

Experiment 9 - Light from Atoms (click to enlarge)


Outline of the Experiment

This is where you outline the major steps performed in lab. The level of detail will be up to you, but more detailed steps may be useful when studying for your quizzes.

Given is an EXAMPLE and breaks down major tasks into steps for each of the parts. Remember procedures may change from semester to semester. Numbers in parenthesis give a reminder to record data on the specific numbered blank space on the data sheet. Highlighted are reagents (green) used in the experiment.

Experiment 9 - Light from Atoms (click to enlarge)


Sample Calculations

The calculations in the experiment involve observing the hydrogen discharge tube through your spectroscope. Content below detail the steps to guide you through the calculations

  1. Obtain the wavelength from your observations with the spectroscope: λ = 410 nm (mock value)
  2. Convert this wavelength to frequency: c = λv —> c / λ = v —> 3.0e8 / 410e-9 = 7.3e14 Hz
  3. Use the calculated frequency and to solve for the energy level with n1 = 2 given to us in the lab manual (link):

    Frequency (v) = R(1/n12 - 1/n22)
    7.3e14 = R(1/4 - 1/n22), R = 3.25e15
    n2 ~ 6

You will also need to calculate the energy change or difference for each of your observations using the frequency you calculated. This will be used to calculate the energy of each energy level and help you draw your energy diagram

ΔE = hv, h = 6.626 e-34
ΔE = 6.626e-34(7.3e14) = 4.9e-19 J

This energy change is the change from the n1 = 2 energy level which was given as having an energy of -5.45e-19 J from the lab manual (link). That means we can calculate the energy of each energy level by adding the energy change from n1 = 2

Energy at excited energy level = -5.45e-19(energy at n = 2) + energy change
Energy at excited energy level = -5.45e-19 + 4.9e-19 = -0.6e-19 J


Table of Reagents

This is where you list the reagents used for this lab. Given in the example are values and reagents that should be verified on your own. Below details where you can find this information.

  • Chemical Name: this or the formula will be given in the lab manual. With this information you can search online for the other

  • Formula: see above.

  • Molecular Weight: search online

  • Physical State: lab manual

  • Amount to Use: lab manual; the amount can be reported as the sum amount used and further detailed.

Experiment 9 - Light from Atoms (click to enlarge)