Here you will find information and material for experiment 9 quiz questions. These questions have been designed from previous quiz questions and review material. Because it would be impossible come up with or compile all past and future questions, the list below are areas you may want to focus on.


light, frequency, wavelength & energy

Understand the relationship between light, frequency, wavelength, and energy. For hydrogen atoms, you can use the Rydberg formula to calculate frequency and subsequently wavelength.

Speed of light (c) = Frequency (v) x wavelength (λ)

Frequency (v) = R(1/n12 - 1/n22)


Knowing the frequency or wavelength enables you to calculate the other given their relation ship and the speed of light constant. For more details, see the overview page (link).

Energy (E) = hc/λ or hv

Conceptually, you need to understand how photons are emitted through the relaxation from the excited state to the ground state. The different colors you see correspond to different wavelengths which correspond to different frequencies, energies, and thus energy levels.



Know the parts of the instrument and how it works. You may be asked to draw a sketch.

Flame tests

Take note of the different colors given off from different metal chlorides. You may be asked to give the color you observed for each one.


Questions 1-9 (click to enlarge)